Monday, 10 November 2014

And Zee turned one....

Hiya people!
It is the dreaded day of the week! But I will not let it get to me oh....This Monday has no choice but to be good to me.
How did your weekend go? Mine was great! My bestie’s baby turned one on Friday and we celebrated!!! I went all the way to Kaduna for the party oh and I am glad I did as I had fun and my friend, M2 was happy I was there to celebrate with her.
We started planning this party since baby Zee was barely 6 months old oh but my crazy friend decided to cancel the party a few weeks before the big day. Ah! See this one, be there cancelling party. Her reason for calling off our party? Baby Zee had not started walking, no teeth yet and her hair was not packable…actually, you can count the number of hair on her head. Imagine!!! 

Well, Zee must have heard us gossiping about her because 2 weeks to the day, madam began to walk, 2 teeth were out and aunty Ummu had forced 3 rubber bands to stay on and yes, we were good to go. See how the child chose to disgrace us ba? Anyway, we decided to just ‘mark’ the day as another kind aunty had promised to bring  us cake. 
I think this might be when she heard us gossiping and decided to 'show us'

That is how I took myself to Kaduna to ‘mark’ birthday oh, M2 had said it was going to be “…just something small, in the sitting room”. To our surprise though, it wasn’t small…. it even looked like those invited missed the part of the message where it said something small as they came with  kids and kid’s friends and I am suspecting a few people might have just picked kids on their way over. 

I only laughed when M2 came to ask me how it became big? Na me send invites? No be you? Anyhow, all in all we had fun. Major fun and Zee was the best behaved 1 year old I have ever seen! She did not cry through out the party, she actually danced and stood to cut her cake! I am a proud momma! *wipes lone tear*

Now, I am someone who always believed a first birthday bash was a waste of money and I would go on and on about how the baby wouldn’t know what is happening so why stress myself? Now I am thinking it might actually be a good idea to celebrate a first birthday…I saw how happy my friend was (even though she kept complaining about the extra cash she had to dole out) the kids around all had a lot of fun especially when the bouncing castle was brought in. All in all, I am glad I made it to KD for the birthday and I cannot wait for Zee’s 2nd birthday bash!

Once again, I want to wish Zee a happy happy happy birthday, the best life, God’s blessing and protection all round.
Have I mentioned I am now on the fence about celebrating a baby’s 1st birthday? What do you guys think? Throw a big party or not?
Have yourselves a blessed day and week ahead.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

God wants us to prosper...

 "Let the Lord be magnified, Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant"
Yes, He does. He wants us, His children to prosper in everything. See what the Apostle John said  in 3rd John 1:2
  Dear Friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you,even as your soul is getting along well.
You see that He does want us to prosper? Not just financially, but physically and most importantly, He wants our souls to prosper so that we can make heaven.
Isn't that the final destination we are hoping and working towards reaching?
As a Christian, my ultimate goal is to make heaven oh, I do not know about you but for me, the race must be won, I must make it to heaven. See, this my fine skin? I cannot afford for it to burn for eternity. Mba.
The other day, steam from water I boiled touched me and the pain made me rededicate my life to Christ. If just steam can do that, what will fire itself do? So yeah, I most definately want to make heaven.

It gladens my heart that God Himself is worried about the prosperity of my soul. Well, He created me and He has great plans for me right? Remember what He said in Jeremiah 29:11?

So why would he leave me to perish? No father would readily choose to watch his child end up badly.
But we have our roles to play. We have to go in the way of the Lord. We have to worship Him, Praise Him and live our lives for Him. I know in this world now, it seems like a hard task but it can be done. He looks after us, He desires for us to prosper....He wants us to enjoy here on earth and for the enjoyment to continue when we get heaven.

John 10:10 tells us that Jesus came to give you abundant life....not lack.
He takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants...Psalm 35:27
He wants us blessed so we can finance the gospel and establish His covenant... Deuteronomy 8:18
He wants us honoring Him through our financial success....Proverbs 3:9-10
He wants us to be consistent tithers and givers to fund His local church and ministry outreaches...Malachi 3:10
He wants us to care for the poor, the widows and the orphans....Proverbs 19:17
He wants us to be the head not the tail...Deuteronomy 28:10-13

These are just a few reasons why He wants us to prosper financially....For His sake, for His glory, so we can reach out to His people. You see how it really isn't about us but we get to benefit from it all...

Isn't my God  awesome? Why will I not love Him and desire to work with Him?  He wants us to proper financially that we may honor Him through our financial success.

So let us get ready for prosperity and as we prosper financially, let us not forget to to work towards the prosperity of our souls because that should be the most important form of prosperity for us as Christians.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

A Humpty Dumpty moment....

Yay! It is November!! Christmas is almost here!!! Yippie!
How are you all doing? Hope your weekend is going well?
Hmmmm something happened to yours truly. Something crazy!
Physically, I am ok but my ego is hurt! Really, really bruised eh!
I cannot believe this happened to me. Chai!

You see, I have this morbid fear of falling....Yes, falling down. And as a result, I have always been super careful while walking, running, standing and anything that has a 0.01% possibility of leading to a fall.

But yesterday, I fell. Down. Flat. On. My. Face! No, that is not all. I fell before an admirer!
Why me ehn? Why?!
It seems I have a specialty in falling in places I have no business falling at. My first fall this year was in my Chairman's office. Yup, its like I run from falling but end up doing it in a 'grand' way whenever it happens. Thank God I did not get to the floor in the Chairman's office but ehn, it was just as embarrassing.

At the time i fell, the security guard came out and goes "sannu anty" "sannu" "sannu fa" like I did not hear the first sannu. Abi it has now turned to song? What even brought him out then sef? Could it have been the sound of my ego shattering into a billion pieces he heard?

And my visitor was too shocked I believe because he actually asked "did you fall?"
My answer? noooo! cant you see me flying? well, that was in my head.
At this point I was too embarrassed to even get up then he goes "get up now" Chai!!!! Dear God, why me?!
Anyway, I had to get up, clean my body and walk away without a word to him. I walked pass the security man with my head held up high while pieces of my ego followed behind.

So, how did I end up falling face down in front of an admirer? I will gist you someday because right now, I cannot begin to put myself through that experience again. Mba. But help me thank heavens I was not forming for him oh, na there e for pain me pass.

Please share any embarrassing moments with me. biko. I cannot be the only one who has been embarrassed on this level. Maybe your stories will make me laugh and forget my experience.

Friday, 31 October 2014


I honestly do not know why this is relevant.

I know about four.

Turn up money must be made!



I wont argue.

I will begin to count.

Thursday, 30 October 2014


Yay! I got the award....
I have seen this logo on a number of blogs and I had wondered what it was all about. Well, I read through and I thought what a cool idea
And what is way cooler? Well, I got the award also!
Yay me! *wipes lone tear, waves at the cheering crowd
Thank you. Thank you. I am indeed honored. 

The award is passed on from sister blogger to another and I agree with TIBS' line of thought on the award on building a network of ladies....who knows where a great friendship would start from?

So, the award comes with a set of rules. It is a serious something oh!

1. Thank the blogger who nominated (awarded) you, linking back to their site. 
2. Put the award logo on your blog.
3. Answer their ten questions. 
4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees.
5. Nominate 10 bloggers
The aim: to help ladies accept every part of their bodies and personalities.

I was nominated and awarded by the lovely Amaka. She blogs @ Thank you my dear ajuwaya!

Amaka did not ask ten questions but she asked a biiiig question as she was asked on her own nomination form. (Did I not tell you it is a serious something?)

Her question: "Tell us about a part of you that you struggled with(maybe a habit, nose, shape, leg etc) and how you over came the fear......

My answer: I struggled hard with my dentition. Some of my teeth (the upper incisors) grew out from one root (my friend called it squatting teeth, smh) and in primary school, I had the squatters removed. It was a painful experience and my mouth was swollen for days. I believe professionally it is referred to as dens in dents

The squatters were removed and the dentist told me to constantly use my tongue to push the inner teeth and they would eventually align. Hmmm, my people, I pushed and pushed and pushed for years, they are still slightly backwards. I thought there was something wrong with me. I cried and cried because my teeth would not fit in a perfect row

I felt ugly and I would not smile or laugh out loud....anything to expose my teeth was a NO! And I grew up not smiling a lot. I have had comments from people asking me to smile. In fact, one day an Okada rider looked at me and said "abeg sister smile small na" I felt really horrible. I believe this has a lot to do with why people think I am a major snob when they first meet me. 

Well, I am all grown now and even though I still do not smile much, I am less conscious of the space there and I have found out that some people do not even notice! So why have I been killing myself over it?!

Do I still hate my dentition? Yes, I do. But it doesn't affect me like it did anymore. Now I smile without caring (though I am not big on smiling). So yea, this is what I struggled with in life.   

Now I will like to nominate the following awesome sister bloggers and I will stick to Amaka's way and throw back the same question to you all.

DURU  (Yes young man, I nominate you on behalf of Jilda).

There we go. These are the blogs I have nominated. Please follow the rules and let us appreciate our favorite blogs. I know some that I would have put up have already receive there nominations. Congrats to y'all!

*Vira walks off stage, wipes another lone tear and waves to y'all*

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Lyrics of the day: Keep your head up.

When your heart is free
Its easy to make a decision
When your head is clear
You know you have good judgment
But when your life is turning topsy turvey
And you have no reasons for whats disturbing
Remember these words my father said to me

He said: Keep your head up dont say you love him
(Keep your head)
Walk away from all that has hurt you
(Find your power)
Find your power you know your strong
Take that step and it will help you along

When your mind's at peace
(at peace)
Sleep comes so very peacefully
When you start to dream
They are wonderful and so very sweet
But when your life is turning topsy turvey
And you have no answers for whats disturbing
Remember these words a preacher said to me

He said: Keep your head up dont say you love him
(Keep your head up)
Walk away from all that is hurting
(Find your power)
Find your power you know your strong
(Take that step)
Make that step and it will help you along (2x)

Why give up this time you can win
(You can win)
Why give up this battle is within
(Is within)
Why stay when you don't know what he's gonna do
Why choose him when its time to choose you

Keep your head up dont say you love him
Walk away from all that is hurting
Find your power you know your strong
Make that step it will help you along (2x)

Keep your head up (6x)
Published by


Monday, 27 October 2014

I am breaking up with Abuja tailors!

Hiya everyone! How did your weekend go? Mine was great! My darling cousin is in town and I spent a lot of time with her. She is always fun to be with! 

So, about today's topic, I have decided to pack all the materials (ankara mostly) I have and send home for my local tailor to sew for me. My brother laughed and called me a cheap skate. Do I care? NOPE!!!! You know why I am doing that? Because I have decided that Abuja tailors will not force me into bankruptcy!
Imagine buying  material for N5,000 or less and you sew for N15,000. Is there any wisdom in that biko? I have thought about this long and hard and I believe my decision was borne out of wisdom. Can I back that up? I am sure I can. See, I am from the North and those tailors there are quite creative so I wont worry about looking for styles to give them. Secondly and most importantly, they are CHEAP!! 

The last time I went home, I had to sew ashoebi for a wedding the next day and my mother called her tailor around 5pm. So, express service right? I began to calculate how much I would pay for it and I was grumbling about how I am not even close to the bride and my mother is trying to finish my money for express sewing....well, the guy came and charged N2,500 for express!

Hold up! N2,500?  I will be wearing rubbish to that wedding I thought to myself. Well, guess what? I was wrong. He brought my dress early the next morning and it was beautiful! He even added some serenseren on it oh! I ended up giving him more than he asked for. I was too happy I did not have to break bank for that.

So you see why it is wiser for me to send them to the local tailor right? Last time I made blouse and wrapper here in Abuja, the tailor charged N8,500. I almost had a mini stroke. I asked if it is just the blouse that cost that much because I believe I  could have easily hemmed the remaining material myself to get my wrapper oh. I let that pass and looked for another tailor who charged N8,000 for skirt and blouse and I thought that one would be better but I was soo disappointed that I have not gone back to get the last pair. None of those I collected even had any extra serenseren on them. Another tailor messed my beautiful wrapper up and still took my money. 

So you see why I have given up on Abuja tailors and why I am forced to break up with them? I will send those stuff home and patiently wait for the best results at the cheapest rate and not care that my brother thinks I am a cheapskate. 

Have yourselves a lovely week ahead.

Friday, 24 October 2014

I am so not a crafty, DIY lover....I will leave that for TOSYN and MOBY. I prefer to see it done and get it. Shikenan, no hassles. But I came across some cool stuff and thought to share in case you are one of those very practical people.

I think they are cool enough that I am planning to try out a couple.

plastic spoons and spray paint

Y'all can take me now or later.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Ye or nay?

Hiya everyone. It has been a crazy week for me. I was ill and in the hospital, home now, still resting, recuperating and thankful to be back here. Thank y'all who kept checking up even when I did not have a post up. I appreciate you all.

So, I came across this quote today and it got me thinking. I actually do agree with what it says and I feel it is  unfair to the ones who love more in relationships. Why should the one who loves more suffer for it? Is it a crime to be in love with another? 

OK, I need to calm down, I don't even know why I am letting this annoy me so much. But if you have had a friend cry to you because they aren't getting back the love and attention they are investing in a relationship, it makes you mad. How then do you tell them to stay away and see what happens without them thinking 'this one na winch'?

Seriously though, can we just learn to appreciate those who give us all the love in them or just be bold enough to let them go if you wont go all in?
Remember, what goes around, comes around. Karma is looking for whose arse to bite. Don't let it be you. Be bold enough to do the right thing.
Do you agree with the quote? Ye or nay? Please share your opinions.


Saturday, 18 October 2014

Do You Know?

The proper way to pour a drink... You know those situations where you end up with sticky fingers cleaning up everywhere just over a glass of juice? It can be avoided.

Like seriously?
I'm usually in a hurry to get a hold of my money, why on earth would I spend so much time on a signature? I totally agree Lol "no money"

Friday, 17 October 2014

Benefits Of Drinking Water


SHARED on how I do not like to drink water and I got a few responses from people like me (side eyeing ZOE and ESTHER) who do not like to drink water also.

The thing is I have always heard and have been told by friends and even in the hospital to drink more water than I do. Well, I have decided to heed to the Dr's advice and I will begin to drink more water right after this pack of ribena. But before I start, I should at least try to find out why all the "drink more water" talk right?

So here are Top 10 Benefits of Drinking Water: Don't Medicate, Hydrate! as seen on Google.
1. Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue – Since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate better and be more alert. As an added bonus, your energy levels are also boosted!

2. Promotes Weight Loss – Removes by-products of fat, reduces eating intake (by filling up your tummy if consumed prior to meals), reduces hunger (hello natural appetite suppressant!), raises your metabolism and has zero calories!

3. Flushes Out Toxins – Gets rid of waste through sweat and urination which reduces the risk of kidney stones and UTI’s (urinary tract infections).

4. Improves Skin Complexion – Moisturizes your skin, keeps it fresh, soft, glowing and smooth. Gets rid of wrinkles. It’s the best anti-aging treatment around!
Did you know?
5. Maintains Regularity – Aids in digestion as water is essential to digest your food and prevents constipation.

6. Boosts Immune System – A water guzzler is less likely to get sick. And who wouldn’t rather feel healthy the majority of the time? Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu, cancer and other ailments like heart attacks.

7. Natural Headache Remedy – Helps relieve and prevent headaches (migraines & back pains too!) which are commonly caused by dehydration.

8. Prevents Cramps & Sprains - Proper hydration helps keep joints lubricated and muscles more elastic so joint pain is less likely.
For real?
9. Puts You in a Good Mood – When the body is functioning at its best, you will feel great and be happy!

10. Save Money! -Even if you choose bottled/filtered water, it’s STILL cheaper than that high sugar and fat-filled latte!

Make it fun by adding cucumber or watermelon to your water.
You can thank me now or later but for now,
