Showing posts with label #wearetired #stoprape #endrapeculture #nomeansno. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #wearetired #stoprape #endrapeculture #nomeansno. Show all posts

Monday 1 June 2020

We Are Tired!!!

We are tired!
I am tired!
Tired of hearing that another girl has been raped. 
Tired of hearing that another woman has been raped.
Tired of hearing that a baby has been raped.
Tired of hearing how women are blamed for being raped.

I join my dear Ozi to ask, ''how much louder do women have to cry before they are heard? This is one too many.''
How many times do we have to cry and condemn these acts?!
Just how many times?
Please let us know because we are ready to do it. 
We are ready to do whatever it takes to protect ourselves, our daughters, our sisters, our nieces, our friends and even our mothers from these monsters. 

I was going to make the title of this post ''Please Stop'' but no, We are tired! 
We are tired of being blamed for the actions of sick men who do not have any regard or respect for the body of the woman.
We are tired of the sick rape apologists who justify why a woman is raped.
We are tired of boys ''just being boys''.....whatever the heck that means!!!

I will not bother with the definition of rape today because I believe we all know what it means and if you or someone you know doesn't, please find out, educate a person or 2 while at it, thank you...
So I will just go ahead and say NO! 

NO means No!!! 
NO, no one has a right to my body just because he feels like it.
NO, the length of my skirt doesn't give you the right also.
NO, do not tell me what to wear, tell them, teach them not to rape. 

We have to understand that ''there is no amount of morals you can teach the girl child that will stop rape if we do not teach the boy child that he does not have the right to anyone's body''. 

So please, enough with the.... 
''what was she wearing?''
''why was she walking alone?'' 
''why did she go to his house?'' 
''how can she say she was raped, is he not her husband/fiance/boyfriend?"

People, please!!!!
Uwa was raped in a church!
In. A. Church!!!
Are we going to ask Uwa why she was in church? Would anyone have a ''good reason'' why this happened?

Yes, I know that not only females have been/are being raped. I know boys have had to suffer this also so I'll say teach ''DONT RAPE'', not ''DONT GET RAPED'
''Stop raping our girls, stop raping our boys! 
It is not enough to say you're not a rapist, you have to be anti rapist!

I will end this by saying may the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of every rapist and rape apologist! 
May they never know peace the rest of their lives!
May they know pain like their victims did!

I am sorry, but I am so angry and pained from all I have read! 
We just want to wash our hands, shako for the 'Rona and not feel unsafe while at it because some idiots think the length of my skirt, the obvious curve of my hips give him the right to my body!

Fathers, brothers, uncles, unkuuuls, nephews...the society, do better! 
Let us teach about, talk about, protect ours and everyone from rapists!

For Uwa and everyone who has been raped. 
Love and Light.