Wednesday 1 July 2015

Do not keep calm....

Whoop, whoop!
Waiyo, zamu sha giya yau!

*Wipes lone tear*You know seeing the young'uns grow make us (the elders) all mushy.
 Yes, I am exactly 62 days older than her and it is not beans! *straight face*

Alisabatu, my dear friend out of whom I "bring out the worse"....Her words exactly, now please how do you bring out what is not there biko? My fren, do not blame me but begin to ask yourself why you have "worse" inside of you and thank me for helping you bring it all out. 
I made this special cake for you hunny!
We became fast friends somehow and I love every bit of our friendship.....especially when you spoil me *rubs tummy* 
We've had good times, we already have our inside jokes *winks* and we are creating memories already.

I love when you scold me any time I deserve it. (When I don't, I dey do you kpasko!)
I love when you call me for gulma. May God forgive you. 
I especially love when you pray with me and for me.

Have I said I love you?

I love that you can smile through the storm and even encourage others.
Keep being strong; we will definitely make it to the graduations without walking sticks. kin gane ai.

I pray for you my friend. 
I pray the Lord strengthens you.
I pray that rainbows follow your clouds.
I pray that you find comfort on difficult days.

May your farts smell like mint.
May your smile never fade.
May your eyes always behold beauty.
May your story be crowned with love and success. 

Happy birthday sweetie!

PS: Where are we gonna boogie today?

PSS: I don polish my dancing shoes.



  1. Lol fart like mint huh? Happy birthday Elizabeth here is wishing yt? increase and favour in this season. Many happy returns. B you ma dey listen to gulma(without sharing)may God forgive you lol

  2. Happy birthday to you Vira's friend.

  3. Happy birthday Vira's friend........ Really,may your fart smell like mint eh.. lol


  4. Lol! Many Happy Returns 2 ur friend Vira. Plus, may she neva experience messed up eyebrows like we did....

  5. Happy birthday to my friends friend. How are you Vira darling
