Life as Vira...

Life as Vira has been a roller-coaster ride. It has been all kinds of crazy since my last post.

There have been all kinds of emotions, a lot of good and bad drama.  My friend had a baby (hello Bows) another friend got married and I was on the train (the groom's men ehn, story for another day) I met my nephew for the first time and it was love at first sight till he peed on me and I passed him to his mother. I have done some good travelling and it has been wonderful.

I just got back from another journey yesterday. I miss home. I miss my momma. I do not miss the shitty network there though. If you've been checking for new posts, please let's come together and blame the network providers in my village ehn? Thank you.

Toh, it's the last day of the year. I am grateful to God for keeping us all till now. I'm actually quite emotional. God has indeed been faithful to me and mine.

"Describe your 2014 in one word".... Someone tweeted that and I wondered if I could really describe the year in one word.... Like I said, life as Vira has been a roller-coaster ride. I've been favoured, blessed, tried, I've developed.... I can't describe it in a word.

I started 2014 on a really high note, happy and full of expectations but as the year went on, my high gradually got low. Sometimes too low I had to scold myself.

I've cried myself to sleep, I've wished I made different choices in life but through it all, I still held on. I held on to God, I searched for ways to grow my faith. I knew I would miss it all if I lost my faith in God. That kept me. He kept me, and I am most grateful for the 'hardest' days cz I felt His presence, I heard Him and I knew I'd be good. It will all be good.

Jeremiah 29:11 has always been one of my favorite verses. Didn't He say He knows the plans he has for me? That they are plans to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me hope and an expected end? I believe His word so I wait cz I know my God will see me through.

I've had great days too. I got promoted at work (yay me) I found love where I wasn't looking. I made new friends, I travelled, I ate plenty, I kicked ass. I cut my hair and now I'm on a natural hair journey (ko easy rara).

I've grown. Physically(wink) and spiritually (amen somebody). I am thankful for my friends. I'm thankful for my SIP. I don't know what I'd do without you girls . You've been there for me through it all. Duru ye! Thank you darling. Especially for bullying me to come up with a post today. All the friends I made on blogsville. I'm back. Well, kindda, sortta.

And I'm ending this year happy and full of expectations for 2015.... I know it will be a great 2015 for us all. Somebody shout hallelujah!!!

Happy end of 2014 from me to Y'all.